Click the photo or title above to experience what it is like to ride on Frontage Road. This video (taken 4/21/2016 at 7:30 a.m.), was sent in from someone who rides his bike to work every day from the Gallatin County subdivision called Mt. View located on Frontage Road (old U.S. 10).  The rider travels eastward to the Valley Center Spur. Big tanker trucks coming from the airport on Frontage (because they don't fit on the new interchange), narrowly miss him. Note at 2:50, the near head-on crash of the vehicles after passing the rider. 

Galla10 Alliance for Pathways

Q:  It's been several years since you updated plans.  What is going on?

A:  Waiting on the green light from City of Bozeman Staff.  The western half of Phase 1 has been completed.  Last December we were budgeted by the Bozeman City Commission for $500,000 for Fiscal Year 2025 (starting this July) on the eastern half of Phase 2.  However the Transportation Director has told us he does not have the band-width to start the project.  Hopefully that will change in the near future when He hires new people. 

The Completion of Phase 1 will be done by the County on City property as they build the transfer station.  This should happen soon.

We are looking for volunteers for leadership positions.  Anyone having questions may contact us through the contact tab.  Thanks for your support.

Q:  Where is the path going to start?
A:  Phase One of the path (orange dashed line below) will start on Valley Center Spur and cross into the Nelson Meadows Subdivision and move eastward towards Springhill along Bozeman City property.  We owe a great big thank you to Barnard Construction for listening to our needs and pushing forward with this path. 

Q:  Tell us about Phase Two.
A:  Phase Two (blue dashed line) at this time is planned to travel eastward from Springhill using Campbell Road to Reeves Road and then a short distance on MDT and Montana Rail Link easement to the Cherry River Fishing Access.  At that point pedestrians and cyclists can access the Main Street to the Mountains System.  Cost has not been determined at this time.

Once Phase One and Two are connected Cyclists can travel all the way from Bozeman "M" to Jackrabbit via Valley Center. 

Q: Can Phase One and Two be done together? What will it accomplish?

A:  Yes!  We won a grant from the City of Bozeman for Trails, Open Space and Parks funds to build these two sections of the pathway and make it a City project.  Once completed they will link together Mainstreet to the Mountains trails and the M all the way to Valley Center Pathway, the Triangle, and Jackrabbit Road.  That's over 100 miles of safer riding and walking.

The first step will be to hire an engineer to work with the MDT and the City in planning the details of the Route.  Second steps will include applying for grants and private fundraising. 

Q:  Tell us about Phase Three and Four.

A:  We are working with the City of Belgrade and Gallatin County in early planing for extension of Frontage Pathway west along the North side of Frontage Road out to Belgrade and beyond. 

Q:  Will the path be paved?

A:  Yes.  The path will be a 10 foot wide multi-user paved path that is separated from the roadway.

Q:  Who are the groups that so far support this path?

A:  Bozeman and Gallatin County Pedestrian Traffic Safety Committee (PTS), Gallatin Valley Land Trust (GVLT); Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (BABAB), Citizens for a Safer Bozeman and Gallatin County; Bozeman Area Transportation Coordination Committee (TCC); Belgrade City/County Planning Board; Bozeman Recreation and Parks Advisory Board (RPAB). 

Q:  How much will the path cost?
A:   Our beginning estimates for Phase 1 and 2 is around $600,000.  Once the engineering design is complete we will know more.

Q:  How can I support this project?

A:  If you simply want email notifications of our progress, then sign up on the contact page.  If you would like to be more involved, then please send us a message on the contact page.  Your name will be added to our mailing list and we will keep you appraised as to what is going on and how you can help.  We will not share your personal information with anyone and will keep communications to a minimum.

We could really use people with sales skills or technical skills.  Additionally we need people willing to serve on our Board or committees.  Please se the contact page to let us know you are curious and we will fill you in with needed details.

Q:  Who will pay for the path?
A:  Funds allocated by the Federal Department of Transportation to the State of Montana from gas tax will help to pay for the path along with other forms of private and government funding.  We have a team of experts standing by that will help to write grant requests as soon as our government gives us the go ahead. Federal and State Transportation money will also likely be used – but hopefully not money that came from property or income tax. The County (and taxpayers) may have to agree to future maintenance (just like on any other road way). And many user groups and private individuals are prepared to step up to help to off set those costs.

Q:  Where will the path be?
A:  Due to railroad restrictions it will most likely be on the north side of Frontage Road, starting in safe segments and will eventually connect Bozeman and Belgrade along Frontage Road.  Hopefully in the future, it will connect all the way to Three Forks.
Q:  How long will it take to build it?
A:  This could be a lengthy process and be years before it is completed.  But with public support it could be built much faster.  We already have commitments from several large land owners and the City of Bozeman.

Q:  How can I help?
A:  Contact us on the Contact Page and let us know your interests and ideas.  Please be sure and ask your friends to sign up.

Q:  Can I donate?
A:  Absolutely!  We are a 501(c)(3) allowing us to accept donations without taxation.  Please use the Contact Page to let us know you are interested. 

Q:  How will this benefit everyone in our communities if some people don’t even use it?
A:  You don’t need to be a user to benefit.  Thirty percent of any community does not drive motor vehicles for various reasons and needs other means to commute to jobs and school.   Tourism will increase.  Property values will increase.  As safety increases, insurance rates will go down.  Local businesses will have an increase in traffic.  Businesses considering moving to these communities will be looking for such amenities for their employees.  A community of healthy people that exercise will reduce medical and insurance costs.  Recreational users and families will have a fun place to ride, walk, and run.   We all win!

Q:  I would like to be informed as to how the project is proceeding.  Can you add me to an email list?

A:  Sure, and your information will remain private.  You will receive updates from on the Pathway.

Q:  Who is Mary?
A:  Mary Vant Hull was an amazing woman and public servant who always swore she must have been born as a bike because she loved cycling so much.  For over 30 years she worked on getting a path along Frontage Road between Bozeman and Belgrade.  She died Jan 2, 2017 and her greatest wish was for the people of Gallatin Valley to come together and finish making the pathway a reality.